Ocean City Condo Flat Roof Repairs

Apex Construction is increasing the fall of this Ocean City condo’s flat roof to improve the drainage of rainwater.  The home owner’s association is being proactive in this preventative maintenance approach.  Although there are currently no leaks or damage, the amount of ponding and silt accumulation would certainly lead to troubles in the near future if left untouched.  

A correctly built flat roof will drain the rainwater quickly and effectively into the gutters without allowing water to collect in depressions and ‘pond’ on the surface of the roof.  Ponding leads to the build-up of silt deposits on the roof and stresses in the membrane when the water freezes (a small amount of ponding is inevitable and it should not reduce the performance of the roof covering).

Ponding will be reduced by ensuring the roof is provided with a decent fall (or pitch) allowing the rainwater to be drained effectively towards the outlets and gutters at the edge of the roof.

Design Falls

When specifying a fall for a flat roof, the designer should take account of:

Because the desired fall may be difficult to achieve in practice, the roofing contractor may need to adopt a design fall considerably steeper (often twice) than the recommended finished fall.  The building regulations encourage a minimum fall of 1:40.

A proactive preventative maintenance approach will save you money, time, and headache in the future.  Contact Apex Construction if you have concerns that your roof is not performing as it should.  We are certified by many national roofing brands and employ skilled professionals who specialize in residential, commercial, industrial, and agricultural roofing applications.  Contact us today for more information.